电话:+44(0)1582 806885-1

英国金士威石化有限公司成立于1993年,公司总部位于英格兰北安普顿郡达文垂皇家橡树商业区。公司生产各种车用和工业润滑油是集生产、包装、销售为一体的企业。金士威石化有限公司于2000年进入亚太市场,并于2014年在中国无锡成立研发销售中心,其创新的理念、优质的产品备受中国客户青睐。金士威以先进的科技为主导 ,以一流的产品(磁悬浮)等产品为基石 ,努力为顾客提供价值。
英国金士威石化有限公司是一家专业从事润滑油的生产及销售为一体的企业 ,为了满足快速增长 、消费升级的市场需求,以英国高品质技术走向中国汽车市场 ,引进了英国先进的自动灌装线、设备先进的实验室以及技术精湛的技术人员 ,采用当代最新科技配
江苏金士威润滑油有限公司以其雄厚的实力取得了突飞猛进的发展,知名度迅速提高,经销网络遍及全国几十个省 、市 、自治区 。凭借一流的润滑油产品,尖端的技术支持和多年来形成的特色服务保障体系,在行业内赢得了广泛的赞誉,跻身润滑油行业品牌前列。
英国品质耐巴赫润滑油系列产品已经拥有包括汽油机油、柴油机油、齿轮油、抗磨液压油 、工业润滑油 、工程机械油等在内的几百个品种,生产和检测系统与国际先进水平全面接轨,成为中国润滑油行业成长中速度较快的品牌之一,公司拥有高尖端的技术人才,拥有高素质的工作团队,可以及时地为客户提供完善的售后服务 。同时公司品牌系统化管理 、复制式和网络化运作的经营模式更是在业界得到一致好评 ,为公司的业务快速增长起到了保驾护航的作用,本公司以质量求生存,以信誉求发展,始终以“重合同,守信用”为宗旨 ,坚信“重质量 讲信誉  优服务”的经营理念凭借顶尖的技术支持和严谨求精的精神,始终致力于打造高端润滑油品应用技术的创新开发,不断提升产品的质量。
耐巴赫将打造一流的高端品牌润滑油与服务质量致力于客户 。人类生活离不开车辆和润滑,耐巴赫的梦想是用最好的品质和您一起风雨兼程。

Kingsway Petrochemical Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993, the company ' s headquarters is located in the Royal Oak business district, davontory, Northampton, England. The company produces all kinds of automotive and industrial lubricants , and is a modern petrochemical technology enterprise integrating R & D, production, packaging and sales. Kingsway Petrochemical Co., Ltd. entered the Asia Pacific market in 2000 and established a R & D and sales center in Wuxi, China in 2014. Its innovative concept and high - quality products are favored by Chinese customers. Kingsway takes advanced technology as its leading role, first-class products (maglev) and other products as its cornerstone, and strives to provide customers with value.

Kingsway Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the research , development , production and sales of lubricating oil. In order to meet the market demand of rapid growth and consumption upgrading, Kingsway Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has introduced the advanced automatic filling line , advanced equipment laboratory and skilled technicians from the UK to the Chinese automobile market with high - quality technology It adopts the latest technology matching method and takes Chinese automobile and industry as the leading role.

Jiangsu Kingsway Lubricating Oil Co., Ltd. has made rapid development with its strong strength, and its popularity has increased rapidly . Its distribution network covers dozens of provinces , cities and autonomous regions. With the first-class lubricating oil products , cutting - edge technical support and the characteristic service guarantee system formed over the years, it has won wide praise in the industry and ranked in the forefront of lubricating oil industry brands.

British quality nibach lubricating oil series products already have gasoline engine oil , diesel engine oil , gear oil, anti-wear hydraulic oil and industrial lubricating oil , construction machinery oil and other hundreds of varieties, the production and testing system is fully integrated with the international advanced level , and has become one of the fast growing brands in China's lubricant industry. The company has high-end technical personnel, high-quality work team, and can timely provide customers with perfect after-sales service. At the same time, the company's business model of systematic brand management, replication and network operation has been unanimously praised in the industry , which has played a role in protecting the rapid growth of the company ' s business . The company strives for survival with quali , tydevelopment with reputation, and always takes " contract and credit " as its tenet, and firmly believes in " quality and credit " The business philosophy of  " excellent service " relies on the top-level technical support and rigorous spirit of refinement , and is always committed to creating innovative development of high-end lubricant application technology, and constantly improving the quality of products.

Naibach will create a first-class high-end brand lubricant and service quality dedicated to customers . Human life is inseparable from vehicles and lubrication. Nebach's dream is to take the best quality with you.

英国金士威石化有限公司 电话:+44(0)1582 806885-1
大陆运营商:江苏金士威润滑油有限公司生产 电话:4000-6565-88
地址:无锡市经济开发区 网址:http://www.niebache.com 备案号:苏ICP备2023044729号-1